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Executive Education
European and Asian Business Management

2024 EABM Graduation Ceremony

✨ In a momentous event today, part of the first cohort of EABM 2022/24* proudly received their well-deserved MAS diplomas from our Dean, Prof. Dr. Harald Gall, representing the UZH Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, and Prof. Dr. David Oesch, the dedicated lecturer representative of the MAS-EABM program. (*A portion of the graduates has already departed for their respective homes and subsequent business destinations, preceding the official ceremony).
Best academic performance was awarded by Prof. Dr. Wittmann Xinhua to Mrs. Yinghong Li (Irene).

💪 This achievement is even more noteworthy as it marks the expansion of the MAS program to encompass a broader #Asian reach, reflecting the commitment to fostering a global perspective in business education. Over the past 18 months, our talented #youngprofessionals have showcased exceptional academic and social competency development, navigating the challenges of studying and #workingabroad.

🚀 As we witness the culmination of their dedicated efforts, we extend our best wishes to the graduates for continued success in their career endeavours. Your #intercultural business competencies and endurance are truly invaluable assets that you bring to both local and global business arenas. 🌍

🎓The EABM master program, stands as the premier destination within the University of Zurich and is recognized for its excellence in providing a #crosscultural perspective that acts as a bridge between Europe and #Asia. We offer a 6-8 months working abroad, paid #internship assignment to complement the academic journey.

🚀 Follow us on Linkedin and see how the EABM master program connects you to international business opportunities with a strong Asia focus.
