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Executive Education
European and Asian Business Management

Info-Event 27 February 2019


In the globalized world of today, mutual intercultural understanding is of utmost importance when doing business. The Advanced Studies in European and Chinese Business Management address this well-known fact by offering both theoretical and practical knowledge on general management in a Chinese and European context.

Come join us and learn more about the programs:

  • MAS European and Chinese Business Management
  • CAS Chinese Business Management
  • CAS European Business Management


Date: Wed, 27. February 2019

Time: 6:30 pm, duration around 1 hour

Place: Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich.
Main building of University of Zürich Room KOL-N-1


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Meet our hosts:

Dr. Xinhua Wittmann

Dr. Xinhua Wittmann



Madelaine Wiebalck

Madelaine Wiebalck

Programme Coordinator